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Giving a Presentation with Slides


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

The average person speaks at a rate of about 250 words per minute but we can form thoughts at about 2000 words per minute. How can we keep our audience engaged?  A slide presentation to accompany an oral dialogue can help to keep the day dreamers to a minimum. Below are some tips to keep in mind when preparing a slide presentation.

Effective Decision Making

Preparing a slide presentation? Here are some tips to make it more effective.

  • Consider using only one message per slide.  Your audience will have the opportunity to absorb the concept and it prevents the slide from being a distraction.

  • Refrain from using slides that repeat the words of your speech. Visual aids should complement the words you are speaking. 

  • Be aware of your stage presence. Stand to the left of your screen. A person’s tendency after reading a screen is to return their eyes to the left.

  • As with any presentation, stand up straight, keep your arms to your sides except for intentional gestures, look out into your audience and smile.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Effective Decision Making


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

Does your group sometimes have problems making an effective decision? Below are tips to encourage all members to become involved in the decision-making process. 

Effective Decision Making

Two extremes can create situations where less than ideal decisions are made.

1. Groups that blindly agree with all suggestions of their leader

2. Groups where a dominant member shuts down all discussion

Both extremes can lead to unsuitable outcomes. Below are several ways to encourage discussion and wise decision making:

  • Begin with prayer.

  • Ask questions rather than giving opinions when acting as the chairman.

  • Divide into sub-groups to work on alternatives and then reconvene.

  • Brainstorm three alternatives before making choices.

  • Intentionally request input from quiet members.

  • Explore assumptions before making decisions.

Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed (Prov. 15:29).

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Stress and Worry in the Life of a Christian


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

As servant leaders in the LWML we appreciate doctrinally sound resources. The Leadership Development Committee recommends the following resource from Lutheran Hour Ministries. 

LHM Course: Stress and Worry in the Life of a Christian

We face many challenges in our lives, such as family and finance issues, and a daily calendar full of commitments. All of these can cause worry and stress.

nullLutheran Hour Ministries offers the course Stress and Worry in the Life of a Christian. In this course you will find the assurance of how our Heavenly Father comforts and cares for us through our challenges. Participants will be equipped to look to Him for strength and wisdom and will also develop the skills of Christian support to reach out to others.

Sign up is free to access the course along with the Lutheran Hour Ministries full learning library. Log on here and click on Stress and Worry in the Life of a Christian.  The course includes downloadable documents, a discussion guide, audio and video recordings, journal prompts, and interactive activities. After completing the quiz, a certificate of achievement will be awarded. There is even a helpful video to aid in using the system.  The course is self-paced and available on any digital device.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself (Matt 6:34).

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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You are not alone


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

You are not alone

Are you new to a leadership role? Do not struggle on your own. Every potential leader has had a great mentor. Even experienced leaders find it helpful to reach out to a mentor.

Are you a seasoned leader? Mentor the new leader that is filling your position. Someone else is now making the decisions, but your tips and suggestions, given in love, will assist her in feeling confident in filling her new position.

Check out the resources found on the Leadership Development page of the LWML website.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Writing a Report or News Article


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Writing a Report or News Article

As leaders in LWML, we may submit reports for board meetings, articles for newsletters, and other publications. We tend to write an essay of everything that has been accomplished since the last report in paragraph form. Consider these ideas as you write your next report.

  • Use bullets points to provide the status information.
  • When necessary to use paragraphs, each major theme should be a separate paragraph with a subject title.
  • Increase readability by using a single type and size font throughout the report.
  • Observe submission deadlines.
  • Have a friend proof read your report for clarity as well as grammar and punctuation before submission.

Refer to the LWML Style Guide for more assistance.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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The Structure of a Good Agenda


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

The Structure of a Good Agenda

Think back to the most effective event you have ever attended? The leaders were likely prepared, stayed on track, and the time managed efficiently.

A well thought out agenda in a logical order with realistic time limits for each item is key. If you are planning an event where efficiency is important and appreciated, write the time schedule into your detailed agenda and consider designating a time keeper to assist with staying on schedule. Share your agenda with other key participants 2–3 weeks ahead of the event to allow time for additions and discussion. There are several sample agendas in The Planning Zone on the LWML Leadership Development webpage.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Telephone Voice Mail


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Telephone Voice Mail

Sometimes we get so focused on the task at hand we forget to look at our communications through the eyes and ears of the recipient. Here are some tips involving phone conversations and leaving voice mail messages.

  • Begin by giving name, title, and phone number.
  • Speak slowly, especially when giving a phone number.
  • Always include an area code when leaving a message. Our mobile society means that your recipient may have a different area code.
  • Make sure the message is clear and concise.
  • Conclude with repeating your name and phone number.

Did you know the entire 2013 issue of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly was about communication? You can read archives from this issue here.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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