
Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Summer 2024 "Growing in Christ's Love"

Editor's Note

cover of Summer 2024 Lutheran Woman's Quarterly magazine with photo of three smiling women from cover story "Stephen Ministry"

I love to learn. As a child I looked forward to school, to completing a new Girl Scout project, and to learning a new sport. New opportunities opened pathways to new places, new friends, new skills ― to grow! 

Those were the fun things, but to grow is not always, as Ephesians 4 says, to grow up in every way. As we grow up, some lessons are ones that we’d rather not learn. Those lessons continue into adulthood, and we might become knowledgeable grown-ups when it comes to maneuvering the legal system of divorce, finding out there are 120 different kinds of brain tumors, honoring the leadership position when we don’t agree with the person in that role, or not speaking when someone pours out the troubles of her heart. Perhaps your time of growing up is not the mind-numbing, shock state of a life-altering event. It may be that your season of growing up is a season seeking God when everything seems the same day after day after day.

The lessons we learn from Him ― to speak the truth in love; to steadfastly seek/pursue God in all the joyful, boring, or scary situations; to cast your cares on Him and leave the past behind; to rely on His Word, sing and pray His praises, and remember the foundations of faith; to be a caring missionary or ambassador for Christ; to rely on Him no matter what the circumstance ― allow us to grow up, knowing that we, the forgiven children of God, are enveloped in His love.

What were your experiences on your path to becoming a grown-up? We each are built differently. We each have those different life experiences to equip us differently. 

As you read this issue, I pray you are encouraged to share your story with others. We each are a part of the Body of Christ that helps to build up one another in love and to grow up in every way.

Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief

Future Quarterly Themes

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Tell Your Story

WINTER 2024 (Submit by 7/1/24)
What's your story? What has been your journey? How has God answered you?
Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me (Psalm 66:16 NIV).

Freedom as Children of God

SPRING 2025 (Submit by 10/1/24)
How has God’s gift of freedom been manifested in you? Excitement? Exhortation? Joyous worship? Turning the other cheek? Stepping out in faith? Praising the Lord and doing good?
… that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (Romans 8:21).


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