The following Bible studies have been translated into German and are available for free download. These translations were made possible by LWML district mission grants.
Our Hope and Future
Based on Jeremiah 29:11–12, presents the question: are you concerned about the future? This study helps us gain insight by replacing the worries of the world with God's truth and reassurance. Discover God's plans for a life of hope, faith, and support in Him. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Our Hope and Future — German translation
Love's Priceless Gift
Based on John 3:16, recounts God's pursuit of us in love. This study offers incredible insight and fresh clarity into one of the most well-loved passages in all of Scripture. Fall in love all over again through the One who first loved us. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Love's Priceless Gift — German translation
Unveiled Faces
Based on 2 Corinthians 3:17–18, helps you discover that just as oxygen gives life to your body, so the Spirit gives life to your soul. Take a deep breath and be refreshed by the very breath of God. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Unveiled Faces — German translation
Faith or Famine
Based on Hebrews 11:1&6, explores the Biblical principles of cultivating and maintaining a strong faith, which proves essential on your spiritual journey. With a strong faith, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can withstand any famine that you may encounter. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Faith or Famine — German translation
Facedown Worship
Based on Psalm 95:6–7, explores who we worship and our dedication to worship of the Triune God in our day-to-day lives. God created every person with a need and desire to worship. Unfortunately, some worship false gods or idols, while others worship money, a lifestyle, or even self. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Facedown Worship — German translation
I Surrender!
Based on Psalm 139:23–24, looks at the intimate relationship God desires for us. This study will help us come to understand just how much we need God's grace, mercy, and redemption that He so lovingly provides. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
I Surrender! — German translation
One Extraordinary Night
Based on Luke 2:8–14, helps you walk through the vivid colors of history to learn how God orchestrated that miraculous night that changed the world forever. Be transported to the shepherding fields near Bethlehem on that starry night. By Donna Snow. 5 sessions.
One Extraordinary Night — German translation
No Stranger in the Manger
Based on Matthew 2:2, 10–11. The Magi traveled many miles and months to find Jesus. Journey through this study to discover the wonder, miracle, and majesty of their search — Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah and Savior. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
No Stranger in the Manger — German translation