Leadership Tips
Dear LWML Leaders,
Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Enhancing Your Enthusiasm
Here are some tips for developing and enhancing your enthusiasm. A leader also has the ability to develop enthusiasm in other people!
Anyone can be enthusiastic when everything is going right, but the person who can remain enthusiastic is the person who will step out ahead and get things started! Here are 13 ways to develop lasting enthusiasm:
1. Believe in God. Want Him. Need Him. Think about Him. Talk to Him like you talk to a close friend. Listen to His Voice. This will help you be enthusiastic when everything seems wrong.
2. Make up your mind. Things happen when you’re decisive!
3. Do not save enthusiasm for special occasions — every day is special.
4. Keep learning — by reading, using new methods, taking courses, exploring, and experimenting. Be on the lookout for new ideas.
5. Hear your own voice. Make your voice say that you are enthusiastic. Make your voice your ally. Become aware of its power!
6. Associate with enthusiastic people. Make a list of them now!
7. Add variety to your life: challenge yourself by going to new places, participating in new hobbies, and developing different ways of doing household chores. Choosing different ways to do things will keep you growing, interesting, and enthusiastic!
8. Make definite plans. Think about your plans; write them down; carry that paper in your pocket. Do something about your plans. Talk about them to positive people for reinforcement, as well as to those who may be negative, as they might challenge your plans and give you opportunity to improve them.
9. Put a positive value on yourself. “I am just as good as the other person, but not better!”
10. Wear neat and attractive clothing that makes you feel good about yourself. You will walk better, feel better, and be more enthusiastic.
11. Do one thing at a time. Focus your enthusiasm on one thing. You can do many things in one day, but only one thing at a time.
12. Feel strongly about issues. Do your research so you need not always say, “I don’t know.” You can be tolerant and still have definite feelings. Show your enthusiasm!
13. Give people sincere appreciation and praise. Help them believe in you. Be conscious of people and their ideas.
Idea taken from Motivation is Contagious, a Leadership Development resource originally published by LWML in 1993.
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free (Ephesians 6:7–8 NIV).
God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee
LWML 2019–2021 Leadership Development Committee
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory