A Faithful Encourager

If I were to try to come up with one name as to who was a personal influencer for LWML, I’d be hard pressed. I don’t recall much about LWML until after I was in the parish. My mother was very active in the Ladies Aid at our home congregation, in rural north central MN, but I don’t recall any trips to larger gatherings. I do recall going to several larger LWML gatherings in east Texas when I was in my first parish.

If I were to pick a name, it would have to be my dear wife, Judy. She, too, was always active whether it was while we were still on the farm or after I became a pastor. She has always been a faithful encourager for our ladies and for me. After my retirement from the Air Force, I have become much more aware of the magnificent activities of the LWML and have seen some truly godly workers for Christ in NM and beyond. I praise God for all of them.

Rev. Gary Piepkorn