Thanks to Lauren

I was fairly new to LWML when Lauren Beale encouraged me to become more involved. I am so thankful for her inspiration and support!

I was a zone president when I met Lauren. We were both in our 30s, and she was already an LWML South Wisconsin District officer. When it was time for officer nominations, she encouraged me to allow my name to be placed on the ballot as the third vice president, the office she held at that time. She carefully explained the duties. Lauren was on the ballot for the office of district president.
When we were both elected, she continued to support and nurture me by listening to my ideas, helping me understand the way LWML worked as an organization, and encouraging me to stretch my writing abilities. Because of her gentle leadership, my confidence grew right along with my skills. I have been blessed to serve as Features Editor for the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and to hold several committee positions at the district and national levels. Lauren is a respected encourager and guide.