Thanks to Peggy

Mrs. Peggy Fickenscher influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML as a newly installed teacher many years ago at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas. Her support helped me to say “yes” to joining LWML and later, to serve in several positions within the church organization. Her joy in serving and knack for hospitality was a definite example for me. She always encouraged me in whatever position I had, saying, “Christie, you can do this because I’m praying for you and God is with you.”

Peggy has been “serving” in heaven for quite a few years now, but I have always remembered her words. I have said “yes” to various LWML positions in several churches to which I belonged, serving in the LWML Missouri District, the Altenburg Zone, and national LWML. The blessings of friendship, encouragement, joy, and prayers are evident each day of my life. I remember and give thanks! To God be all glory and praise!