Thanks to Wendy

Wendy Greiner influenced my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as database manager for the LWML Information Technology Committee.

Wendy is third from the left.
I knew Wendy from my district; she served on the LWML Information (IT) Technology Committee. She kept mentioning an open position and how she thought I would enjoy working with the IT committee. She promised to teach me everything I needed to know. After her gentle nudging and much prayer, I finally agreed to an interview, even though I thought I had no technology skills to offer.
Wendy’s encouraging words made all the difference and moved me to say “yes” and accept the position. She told me she saw qualities in me that would benefit to the committee and knew I’d enjoy it once I was trained. And she was right. I did enjoy it and learned new skills which then opened doors for serving at the district and national levels.
Blessings received:
- Learned new skills;
- Developed friendships with women across the nation;
- Gave back to the organization that I love;
- Opened additional avenues to serve in the LWML;
- Enriched my faith life;
- Made me a better leader; and
- Provided mentorship opportunities.