The “November Eucharisteo Project” on the LWML website caught my attention. Maybe because my son’s name Risto is part of the word — or perhaps it was my own need for a reminder. This project encourages us to slow down for reflection and Eucharisteo by reading Scripture and then writing it down.
Eucharisteo is the Greek word symbolizing not the bread itself, but rather the emotion of being thankful or grateful for the bread. As Lutheran women of the LWML, we have so many reasons to give thanks!
I recall a Dale Carnegie classmate’s speech in which listeners were challenged to count their many blessings and compare them to the leaves of the trees. What a great visual this is, especially in the fall. This reminds me of the work we are all doing for the “What’s Your 80?” campaign for which I am so thankful. As vast as the number of leaves in November are your “80” plus blessings. I encourage you to continue finding creative ways to bless others.
I also encourage you to post your daily verse on social media #lwmlintheword as you share some Eucharisteo with your family and friends.
MaryBeth Heikkinen
LWML Michigan District President