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6-27-2021 Weekly article


To God be the glory, honor, and praise! The LWML 39th Biennial Convention was held live, in person, a celebration of brothers and sisters in Christ proclaiming God’s truth and sharing Jesus’ love with each other — some attending convention for the first time — in Lexington, Kentucky.

There are so many memories and mountain top experiences from “doing convention” in Lexington, that it’s difficult to highlight all of them. Here are only a few:

  • hearing the mission grants voting results;
  • being inspired through the Word proclaimed in the Bible studies;
  • seeing the tremendous number of Gifts from the Heart donations;
  • participating in servant events;
  • watching the new officers installation;
  • experiencing fellowship with “new” friends and “old” ones;
  • enjoying Lexington and surroundings;
  • hearing the excitement of mission work being done here and abroad;
  • laughing out loud when humorous interrupters Jan and Abby were on stage;
  • shopping at the LWML Store for resources;
  • having fun on the Photo Finish Mission Walk; and
  • observing the mission flag and district banner processions.

Check the LWML website,, often for convention highlights.


6-20-2021 Weekly article

We’re here!

Thanks be to God! This week “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus,” the LWML 39th Biennial Convention, becomes a reality. LWML sisters and brothers in Christ are assembling in Lexington, Kentucky, to “joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others” (from the new LWML Mission Statement).

One of the many highlights will be Friday, June 25, when the results of voting for the 2021–2023 mission grants are announced. The delegates voted electronically the last week of May. Waiting with great anticipation, they, along with those attending in person and those watching via livestream, will learn which grants were selected. Learn more about the grant proposals here, and then join in the excitement on June 25 to hear God’s plan for the next biennium.

As attendees at convention, we will:

  • Focus on Jesus through God’s Word and Sacrament;
  • Joyfully celebrate our salvation with song and prayer; and
  • Serve our neighbors through witness and mission.

May we live these convention objectives well beyond our week in Lexington.


6-13-2021 Weekly article

“Running the Race … Looking to Jesus”

After two years of planning, the 2021 LWML Convention will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, next week! It feels like we actually have been running a race for this convention, jumping over hurdles along the way. And we have kept looking to Jesus!

One hurdle is the limit on how many people can attend in-person, due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, you can still participate, even if you are unable to physically be there. Go to the LWML website at to access convention resources, so you can:

  • Prepare for the convention by prayerfully reading the pre-convention devotion.

  • Go on a Virtual Photo Finish Mission Walk in your area.

  • View or download the convention manual and worship folders for the opening service and the sending service, available by June 17.

  • Watch the convention via Livestream. You can attend the worship services, listen to the Bible study, hear our Mites in Action speakers and missionaries, and learn which mission grants are chosen for our mite support in the next biennium.

“See” you in Lexington!

Marie Chow

6-6-2021 Weekly article

Prepare Our Hearts and Minds

For those attending the LWML Lexington Convention, this is the time to make preparations! What fascinator will I wear to the Winners Circle Celebration? How many snacks should I bring? How will I meet up with friends from around the country?

Although these preparations are a part of our process, it is even more important to prepare our hearts and minds. Spend devotional time focusing on the Scripture verse for convention. Pray for those impacted by our mission grants. Read the Pre-Convention Devotion found at Convention Central. Prepare for what the Holy Spirit lays on your heart as you learn from mission speakers, Bible studies, and worship services.

If you are unable to attend convention in person, make preparations to join us through the Livestream link that will be posted on the convention page during the convention. Invite your church family to gather and participate in the Bible studies and hear our inspirational mission speakers.

May we daily prepare our hearts and minds through prayer and God’s Word as we are “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus.”

Michelle Jenks

5-30-2021 Weekly article

How Do I Know?

“How do I know if I am being called to do God’s will? The best channel to hear from God is through His Word.

God calls each one of us in two different ways. God’s general call is to obey His Word and to love and serve others. The specific ways he calls us is to use the specific gifts and talents he has given to each of us. Getting to know that calling is accomplished by studying and hearing His Word. He also places a longing in your heart to do what He wants us to do.

God is the ultimate director orchestrating His plan and we each get to play our own, unique part by determining what we are each called to do and then doing it.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).

Bible studies and devotions can be found on “The Word” tab at

Karla Koehler

5-23-2021 Weekly article

The Gift of Prayer

Thus says the Lord … I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you (2 Kings 20:5b).

Have you ever stopped to think about God’s gift of prayer? As a child, I was taught to say my prayers at night, before I went to bed. I petitioned the Lord to bless my family members, one by one, and I thanked Him for His many blessings of the day. 

Although I didn’t realize it then, prayer is a direct communication with the One who cares and loves us the best. I always appreciate and feel a sense of comfort in my soul when I learn someone is praying for me. We are all blessed when this happens. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! (Psalm 66:20).

At the LWML Minneapolis convention, a prayer for my granddaughter, Sierra, was read as we gathered together on the convention floor. God answered that prayer; Sierra received a life-saving double transplant three weeks later.

Sierra as a baby
Sierra as a baby
Sierra grown up
Sierra grown up
close-up of Sierra and Ginger
Sierra and Ginger

Praying with others is such a blessing. The 2021 LWML Prayer Service, “He Prayed with Them,” based on Acts 20:36b, is designed to be used at any time by large or small groups. 

Ginger Starrett

5-16-2021 Weekly article


Prepare. The LWML Board of Directors (BOD) and committees have been preparing for the 39th LWML Convention in Lexington. Thousands of emails have been sent and many Zoom meetings have been held. Preparation continues, remembering that our plans are not always His plans and all that we do will be done to His glory.

God wants us to prepare for future events. He prepared a way for Noah and his family to survive the cleansing flood. It was a good plan that involved a lot of preparation and trust on the part of Noah.

In preparation for Lexington, the BOD and committees have stepped out in faith, trusting that God will lead them to develop the programs and resources that will be used to share Jesus with our families, community, and the world. Click here to read about the preparations made for Lexington.

Take some time to thank God for His work of preparation in your life. We may not have to build an ark, but we are engaged in the work of preparing hearts to be ready for Jesus’ coming again. Prepare. He is coming!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,



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