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12/16/2019 Weekly article

Be Still in the Hustle and Bustle

Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10a).

I am excited to celebrate our Savior’s birth with family this year as always. However, I also feel anxious because it’s so busy with extra activities like setting up the Christmas tree, decorating, writing Christmas cards, determining what gifts to buy, and, of course, the actual shopping. With luncheons and dinners with friends and attending extra events at church — it’s exhausting! I’m sure that you have a lot on your plate, too.

Then, a nudge comes into my mind, reminding me to just chill out for a few moments and remember why we are celebrating. There is a great, appropriately named, short devotion on the LWML website, Be Still. Share it with others, especially those you see hustling and bustling about. Take a look at the other Christmas devotions on the LWML website that you can share with your friends and family.

Take moments to be still this week, and remember Jesus, God’s perfect gift to us.

Merry and blessed Christmas!


12/9/2019 Weekly article


We are in the Advent season; a time of waiting. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where waiting is not encouraged. We have fast-food restaurants, microwave ovens, advertisements that play on our need for instant gratification, and instant access to knowledge on our computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Our need for instant gratification has made us uncomfortable with waiting. Perhaps we need to be reminded that some things are worth waiting for: graduations, weddings, a new baby, overnight recipes, a garden, crops, big projects, etc. You get the picture — there are many things that just don’t happen at the snap of a finger or the touch of a button.

The Bible contains verses that encourage us to wait patiently:

  • Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10a).
  • But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).

Take time to wait, be still, and study God’s Word. To assist in your study, you can find free Bible studies at


12/1/2019 Weekly article

The Second Half of Thanksgiving

If you enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving, you may have feasted on roasted turkey and gravy, with pumpkin pie for dessert. You may have spent time with family and friends and worshipped, thanking God for all His blessings.

Now let’s think of thanksgiving as a verb instead of a noun. We often give thanks for the blessings God has showered on us: our health, family, faith, friends, and even challenging circumstances that lead us to feel compassion for others. But let’s not forget about the second half of the word — giving. As we have been blessed, God calls us to bless others by giving. We can give by serving, by listening with understanding, and through donations so the Gospel message can be shared around the world.

This Tuesday is Giving Tuesday. You have the opportunity to give. Take the focus away from commercialism and celebrate our Savior by sharing His mercy and grace through LWML Mission Grants. Click here and share Christ!

In His service, surrounded by His grace,


11/24/2019 Weekly article

Be Still!

Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10a).

Sometimes I become anxious that I may not have the ability to do a job. When I worry, I’m reminded of what the psalmist said, “Be still.” God promises to be with me; I can rely on Him.

Years ago, I had a poster of a little girl climbing into her daddy’s lap. It said, “Stop wiggling and let God be God.” When I start to worry, I picture myself climbing into my heavenly Father’s lap, asking for His help. God will help; He is God!

When our tasks become overwhelming, we go to God. He has called us to serve Him. He will not leave us alone. Keep in the Word daily; pray to our gracious Lord many times a day. What a mighty God we serve!

Father, praise for Your promises to always be here. I can count on You. Praise to the awesome God You are. Amen.

For further study on this topic, look for the Bible study, TheTaskFilledLife_BibleStudy.pdf.

11/22/2019 Weekly article

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019–2021 Mission Grant #20 — Music Outreach, Classes, and Resources on the Border — Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care, El Paso, Texas — $98,400

This project touches my heart because of my love for music. Praising my Savior all the day long nourishes my soul, especially when the tribulations of life weigh me down. Our church purchased a Mariachi San Pablo CD for our Sunday worship services, and, being a bilingual person, it brings me joy to hear traditional Lutheran hymns and contemporary praise songs in Spanish. It reminds me of attending worship services with my mother.


There is an ongoing need for music in languages other than English in our multicultural churches. The Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care music ministry in El Paso, Texas, has been successful in reaching out to the unchurched through music education classes, training musicians for service in the church and in the community. Mites given to this project will enable them to improve and expand their important work. Remember this mission on Giving Tuesday, December 3.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:1-2).

Angelina Jauregui

11/20/2019 Weekly article

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2017–2019 Mission Grant #4 — Tanzanian Sewing Center — $25,000          

Hear, O women, the word of the Lord, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth; (Jeremiah 9:20a).

Sewing was a skill I learned at age 8 while sitting next to my mother at the sewing machine. It was just something I enjoyed doing; I never earned a living from it. However, the young women who graduate from the Bishop Makala Sewing Center in Tanzania learn how to sew, acquire life skills, and, most importantly, hear the Gospel. After graduating, they have the skills to generate an income for themselves and thus avoid a life of starvation or prostitution.

This LWML Mission Grant allowed the building of classrooms and a dormitory at the sewing center. The school’s first year saw a graduating class of 53, when the goal had been 50.

nullOne of the rooms at the Sewing Center — it has electricity and supplies!

At the 2019 LCMS Tampa Convention, Bishop Makala tearfully thanked us for this school and for the help it provides for the young women in his country. He went on to tell us how it gives them the opportunity to share the Good News and teach life skills that the graduates then share with their families.

I now have a greater appreciation for sharing the Gospel and how learning life skills can transform a person’s life. Your mite gifts help the LWML support grants like the Tanzanian Sewing Center. Thank you for your support on Giving Tuesday, December 3.

Arlene Naasz


11/19/2019 Weekly article 5

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019-2021 Mission Grant #16 — Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow — LCMS School Ministries — $80,000

My children were blessed to attend Lutheran schools where administrators promoted a culture of keeping Jesus at the core of all activities for both teachers and students. I sent my children to school confident they were not only in a loving environment where they would receive a great education, but I also knew they would participate in devotions, pray, and be reminded each day that Jesus died for their sins.

nullOne afternoon I received a call from our Lutheran school principal. My nine-year-old daughter Kristen was having a severe reaction to a medication. The principal took her to his office and calmed her until help arrived. One of her classmates, who did not come from a Christian home, later told us the class had immediately prayed for her health and the next morning had said a prayer of thanks for her recovery. What a comfort to know others were praying on Kristen’s behalf and her classmate was learning about Jesus through everyday experiences! Those teachers and students were in an atmosphere where they were encouraged to pray and trust God in all circumstances.

Your donations on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019 will help support Mission Grant #16, Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow and will help assure Lutheran schools will be adequately staffed with well-trained administrators who create school environments where Jesus Christ is at the center of all endeavors.

Susan Brunkow


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