2017–2019 Mission Grant 15
Sharing Jesus with People with Disabilities
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
View mission grant resources below.
Bethesda Lutheran Communities desires to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with services that share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Operating at program locations across the United States, they provide homes and support, promoting awareness and advocating for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over 1,900 people at 300 program sites in 13 states are served. Travel is essential in achieving this mission. Costs are not subject to state reimbursement when faith supports are at the heart of the mission. Relying on the support of donors, Bethesda is able to nourish relationships and grow their network to support people of all abilities with their faith journey. Grant funds would be used to support ministry consultant travel.
WHEREAS, God, in His Holy Word, tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made," and He knit us together in our mother's womb, each one of us is the body of Christ and a part of it arranged by God as He wanted us to be, and that Christ Jesus died for ALL people; and
WHEREAS, We, as Lutheran Christians, believe adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities should have the opportunity to connect and fully participate in the life of the congregation of their choice; and
WHEREAS, Ministry consultants are needed to travel to visit the people we support, their families, congregations, and other partners as needed to facilitate faith connections; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the delegates gathered at the 2017 Lutheran Women's Missionary League Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, vote the sum of $100,000 to help fund Bethesda Lutheran Communities Sharing Jesus with People with Disabilities.