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A History and a Future!

Two Minute Tuesday

Our zone’s spring event focused on celebrating 80 years of LWML. The zone president and host group president dug into our archives. Some of the found details seemed humorous, such as, refreshments were “limited to only two things such as coffee and coffee cake or rolls.” A far cry from what we do now! Although we chuckled at that, we took time to reflect and determined that they may not have wanted to create a time or financial hardship for the member whose turn it was to provide the refreshments.

As we look on our past and look forward to our future LWML journeys, are there things we could do in our groups to be more welcoming and respectful of a woman’s time and situation? I encourage you to make those changes. Let’s give some thanks and recognition to our LWML historians. It is great that we have those who give their time and talent to preserve our history. It is important and wonderful to reflect, looking back at the pictures and notes from our 80 years of being Lutheran Women in Mission! LWML provides historians guidance, and a wealth of information can be found here: Let’s learn from history so we can continue to serve the Lord for another 80 years.

Jane Morris
LWML Iowa West Past District President

Celebrating 80 Years

Two Minute Tuesday

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is celebrating our 80th anniversary this year. 

Thinking about the group who met in Chicago in 1942, I am so impressed with the foresight they showed in organizing the LWML. We were in a war. Our men and women were involved in an overseas conflict while folks at home were rationing and worrying about their loved ones.

Yet during this time God led this group of men and women to organize an auxiliary of the LCMS to promote work with missions at home and abroad. 80 years have passed and we remain committed to this vision. We continue to serve the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2) whenever and however we can.

Let’s all join in the celebration by choosing a project of “80”. Sewing eighty pillowcase dresses, giving 80 pairs of socks, making 80 quilts, or sharing 80 days of special prayers, etc.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

Kathleen Brandt
LWML Minnesota North District President

What's Your 80 in the Iowa East District?

Two Minute Tuesday

LWML Iowa East District (IED) women have a pre-convention tradition of competitively collecting mite offerings to kick off a new biennium’s mission goal for mission grants. LWML zones compete against each other. The zone reporting the highest amount collected prior to the opening of convention has their name added to the LWML IED traveling plaque. Throughout the biennium, the winning zone passes the plaque from group to group.

The LWML IED theme for this year is “$80 for 80 Years.” Each local group, congregation, and/or individual is encouraged to raise $80. The ideas to promote this pre-convention campaign for receiving mite offerings are endless. Bakeless Bake Sales, Pies for Pi Day, and Special Collection Sundays highlighting a specific mission grant recipient are just a few.

An additional, unintentional benefit to planning, carrying out, and sharing these activities is the stories of times past from long-time members. It’s good to record these memories for future generations of Lutheran Women in Mission as they Serve the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2).

Margaret Kistler
LWML Iowa East District President

What Is Your 80?

Two Minute Tuesday

The year 2022 marks the 80th Anniversary of the LWML. Much has changed in our world and within the LWML in

those 80 years but the heart of LWML remains the same — to serve God by serving others.

The LWML Rocky Mountain District decided to recognize the anniversary with a practical "What's Your 80?" project. Our goal is to make at least 80 fleece blankets to be distributed to families in need in El Paso, Texas and in Mexico through Ysleta Lutheran Mission. Women across the Rocky Mountain District have gathered in their groups and zones to cut fleece and prepare the blankets to be tied. We will have pre-convention servant events for the first time prior to our June convention in Albuquerque where the quilts will be tied. Each quilt will be assembled with love and prayer. For 80 years, the women of the LWML have gathered to work with their hands and create gifts of love for others. We are thankful to continue this tradition. 

What’s Your 80? Go to for more ideas.

Debbie Yocky
LWML Rocky Mountain District President


The Mite Box Legacy

Two Minute Tuesday

As I contemplated celebrating 80 years of LWML in 2022, I pondered the history of our iconic Mite Box. I found a Mite Box Timeline which illustrates the progression from the original box in 1942 to today. Of course, there is the Biblical basis for the name:

And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on” (Mark 12:42-44).

Then, I remembered a sketch I wrote for our group’s celebration of LWML Sunday in 2018. It illustrates how a young woman is impacted through finding her grandmother’s Mite Box. That became The Mite Box Legacy sketch. I pray you will find it useful and entertaining!

Candy Habich
LWML Mid-South District President

80 Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief

Two Minute Tuesday

Blessings to you during this season of Lent. May your contemplations focus on the need for our Savior and His undying love for you.

Our Women’s Guild at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in Malvern, Pennsylvania worked on our “What’s Your 80?” recently. We contacted Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and found out what we could do to make personal care kits for those in need. With the help of a Thrivent Action Team card, we were able to purchase many towels. The church members donated soap, combs, fingernail files and toothbrushes. Seven ladies from the LWML Women’s Guild put 80 kits together. Another member drove the kits to the LWR Office here on the East Coast. We pray that people in need will be blessed by these items sent with love.

What is your 80? For more ideas, go to

May you find special ways to share God’s awesome love with others this Lenten Season and beyond!

Susan Bell
LWML Eastern District President

What's Your 80?

Two Minute Tuesday

The LWML Oregon District’s first event after Covid-19 restrictions were eased was our 2021 Christian Life Retreat. Sixty-six LWML women connected during the retreat as we put together 470 Blessing Bags to be distributed to the homeless and to care centers throughout the district. This Mission Service activity (March 2021, titled Mission Service Kits) can be found on the LWML website under the Service tab on the home page. Click here for details.

Additional items that were not placed in the bags were sent to each zone, so they could prepare Blessing Bags in their areas for those in need in their communities.

Working together to help spread the Good News that God loves each of us, no matter what our circumstances, was a joy and a privilege. This activity can be replicated in other areas not only to serve others, but also to give Lutheran Women in Mission fellowship time together. It would be a perfect “What’s Your 80?” activity.

May God bless your service to and with others.

Carol Reis
LWML Oregon District President

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