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5/5/2019 Weekly article

In Praise to the LORD!

“With the Lord begin your task; Jesus will direct it. For His aid and counsel ask; Jesus will perfect it.” (LSB 869:1a) These words begin one of many favorite hymns. Words to remember for all we do in service to our Lord.

Lutheran Women in Mission, in a little over a month and a half, will convene in Mobile, Alabama, for the LWML 38th Biennial Convention. All the many hours of planning and preparation these past two years will come to fruition as women and men gather to give thanks to God for His amazing grace.

As you have been making plans to attend, have you checked all the information on the Convention Central page under News & Events.

* Are you signed up to play in the LWML Tee Up 4 Mites Golf Outing? Or, maybe you’re sponsoring a hole?

* Which servant connection activity are you going to do or which pre-convention seminar are you attending … Treasurer/Financial Secretary, Structure/Parliamentary Procedure, Mission Grants, How to Write a Bible Study, Leadership Development: Become a Leader You Would Follow!, Webmaster/Social Media, Gifts of Love?

* Did you register for the Mission in Motion Pledge Walk?

* Did you sign up for a Friday Info-gathering or Saturday noon luncheon?

* Are you looking forward to delving into the Word at one of the Wake Up with the Word Bible studies?

2019 Convention logo: Purple world with gold cross and red heart stretching out around the world centered on the cross, with the inner point of the heart starting in the convention site of Mobile, Alabama.

To God be the glory as together we will:

  • Sing and rejoice in celebration of His Word.

  • Tell of His salvation for all.

  • Declare His glory among the nations.

  • Go forth in His joy!

“Jesus, in Your name begun Be the day’s endeavor;
Grant that it may well be done To Your praise forever.”
(LSB 869:5b)

See you in Mobile, June 20–23!


4/28/2019 Weekly article

Coming Soon!

New Bible Study, Devotionals, Event/Retreat!

cover of A Missionary Me

A Missionary? Me? presents real-life, non-scripted stories.
Written by women serving in the mission field.
Study how Jesus not only leads, but carries these women through many difficult challenges.
A summary to each lesson is authored by Karol Selle, inviting participants to examine their personal missionary opportunities.

Mustard Seed booklets

Three New Mustard Seed DEVOTIONAL Booklets

Praise to The Lord

Joy in Our Daily Lives

Comfort and Hope


Looking for a way to grow in faith while enjoying fun and fellowship with other Christian women?  Local groups, zones, and districts may offer a women’s day or weekend event.

Planning is available here, with invitations, suggested decorations, and detailed directions through a Leader’s Guide.

A Women’s Day Event/Retreat
Let’s Grab Our Shoes and Go!
A Christian Journey Women’s Retreat
Authored by Terri Bentley

These new resources will soon be available for sale at the LWML Convention Store, in Mobile, Alabama, at or the Women’s Day Event/Retreat Leader’s Guide, invitations, and decorating suggestions, will be downloadable also at

Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the word of eternal life (John 6:68).


4/21/2019 Weekly article

A Time to Sing and Rejoice

The two men in dazzling apparel ask the women: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." (Luke 24:5b-6a)  At that point, everything began to change for these women. They were the first to see an empty tomb and the first to receive a message of resurrection concerning Jesus, their Lord. In remembering Jesus' words they left the tomb and told the apostles what had happened.

What a day for these women. The magnitude of that morning will not be lost on them as they learn to live in His peace. Forgiveness of sins, defeat of the devil and the grave, and the promises of everlasting life would mark their praise and thanksgiving for ever more.

This summer in Mobile, Alabama, as Lutheran Women in Mission, we too will have an opportunity to praise and thank our God for all of these blessings. This will be a time for everyone to sing and rejoice In Praise to the LORD, to tell of His salvation for all, to declare His glory among the nations, and to go forth in His joy! Like those women on that first Resurrection Sunday we too will remember the words of Jesus and tell them to all the world. May God make our Convention a memorable one in the Lord.

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!


4/19/2019 Weekly article

The Crown of Thorns

Who would think to make a crown of thorns to put on someone’s head? That is just plain cruel. Yet, the guards who watched over Jesus, those who taunted Him, made fun of Him and mocked Him did just that. They wove together a crown made of thorns. Then, in an act of complete mockery, they placed the crown upon His head.

Placed it on His head. I doubt if it was that easy. I have a crown of thorns that was given to me many years ago. Every year during Holy Week, I will take that crown out. I hold it in my hands and imagine what it must have been like to have that placed on Jesus’ head. I will gingerly place it on my head, careful to not let the thorns pierce my skin. Then I think about how they must have jammed that crown upon His head. The agony, the pain, the blood, the tears, the laughter, yes, laughter as they watched this “King of the Jews” cringe under the pain of that crown.

He wore that crown so that you and I can wear another crown. In Revelation 2:10, we hear Jesus say, “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Through faith in Jesus Christ, you and I are given a crown to wear. It is not a crown of thorns to cause us to suffer but it is a crown of life, glorious life eternal, a crown of one who is given eternal life. We wear this crown while He wears the crown of thorns. It doesn’t seem right.

He does that to take our place. He suffered in our stead. He bore the pain of our sins and gives to us the joys of eternal life. A crown of thorns worn by the Son of God, so that the sinner, you and me, might be given the crown of life. Thank You Jesus for loving me so much, that You have taken all my punishment and have given me Your righteousness.

 May the Lord grant you a blessed Good Friday,

Pastor Schuessler

4/14/2019 Weekly article

Another Gathering of Praise

I'm already getting a little excited for our Mobile, Alabama, Convention. To be engaged in the ceremonies that lead us In Praise to the LORD and to enjoy the fellowship of everyone who comes for this gathering, will be a highlight for me in 2019. I can envision the crowds gathering together, singing their praises, and proclaiming their heartfelt thanks to God for His blessings to them in Christ Jesus, our Savior.

As we begin Holy Week with this Sunday of the Palms I am reminded of another gathering of praise. As Jesus began to enter into Jerusalem the crowds went out to meet Him. With branches from Palm trees they hailed Jesus: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” (John 12) The people longed for God to bless them and to encourage them in their life of faith. Their joy that day was seen In Praise to the LORD.

Check out the plans that are being developed for our gathering this summer and get ready for a time of praise and celebration. To God be all the glory. 

Pastor Mundahl

4/1/2019 Weekly article

Thanks be to God!

It’s my extreme delight to announce that the 2017-2019 Mission Goal of LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission has been fully funded! Thanks be to God for His generosity and the generous offerings from men and women all over the United States as they faithfully filled their mission Mite Boxes and gave offerings towards this goal. Twenty-two ministries have received complete grants. To read about those grants click here.

Going forward into our new biennium, delegates will meet in Mobile, Alabama, at the 2019 LWML Convention, June 20-23 to vote on a new Mission Goal and select new grant recipients from a list of 31. What an exciting time in LWML! Register now to take part in that convention.

It’s easy to say, let’s not increase our goal and make it not such a push to get the goal funded. However, now more than ever, our families, our church, and our world are in greater need of the saving Gospel message than ever before. We, as Lutheran Women in Mission can and will meet the challenge to make sure that God’s Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit, gets shared around the world. Whether that is done by us as individuals, by LWML programming and resources, or by the ministries we support through our grants, we will do it! We are up to the next challenge!

Please join me in the following prayer written by our LWML Counselor, Rev. Robert Mundahl.

Dear gracious heavenly Father, we thank you for your great love to us through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Through Him we have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. As Lutheran Women in Mission our goal is to make this truth known all over the world. By the collection of Mite Box offerings over the past two years you have blessed us to raise the funds necessary to meet our Mission Goal of $2,075,000. Praise God! This has allowed us to supply the resources needed for missions and missionaries selected at the 2017 Albuquerque Convention.

As the Psalmist writes: Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations, may we always remember God's faithfulness to us and every generation and in great joy, bless His name forever and ever.  Amen.

Patti Ross

3/24/2019 Weekly article

In Praise to the LORD!

2019 Convention logo: Purple world with gold cross and red heart stretching out around the world centered on the cross, with the inner point of the heart starting in the convention site of Mobile, Alabama.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is your health and salvation!
Let all who hear Now to His temple draw near,
Joining in glad adoration! LSB hymn #790 verse 1

Twenty-two years ago my husband and I moved to Monroe, Louisiana, where there is only one LCMS church. I was asked on several occasions at various public places by people of different religious denominations, “Have you found a home church?” Living in the South, this is not an uncommon question to be asked in the grocery store, doctors’ office waiting room, line at the post office, etc. Many wanted to invite us to their home church and share the Gospel message. Similarly, as Lutheran Women in Mission, we could invite and welcome others to our Lutheran churches in our communities.

nullToday, I extend an invitation to you to join the many thousands, “In Praise to the LORD!” as we worship together, Thursday evening, June 20, 2019 in Mobile, Alabama. Please take the opportunity to extend this same invitation to others including the Mobile area to join you in praising the Lord. Visit for more information.

Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before Him!
Let the Amen Sound from His people again;
Gladly forever adore Him! LSB hymn #790 verse 5

Michelle Zollinger


LWML Resources