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3/17/2019 Weekly article

Linked together in Love

This pin was designed to give to the Young Woman Representative (YWR).

YWR pinThe double links represent LWML women of all ages who are joyfully united in spirit and purpose. While each member is different, in Christ all are linked together, complementing one another’s gifts, talents, and strengths. As we read of the description of the pin, it leads us back to our mission, vision, and primary focus statements.  It is by God’s grace that we do what we do, and we are what we are. As Lutheran Women in Mission, we are young, younger, and young at heart, deaf and hard-of-hearing (HOH), and blind and sight challenged. We come from every nation. We all have unique gifts, sharing experiences, equipping and encouraging one another. At our upcoming 38th Biennial Convention in Mobile, Alabama, we will have a flag procession on Saturday with our Young Women (YWRs), Heart to Heart Sisters (H2H), and YOUth in mission carrying flags representing the 77 countries that the LWML has supported through grants over our 77 years of serving the Lord with gladness. This year, we will add the Native American Flag which will be carried by a Native American Heart to Heart Sister. Yay! If you have not yet registered for the convention, please do so. Plan it as a family vacation linking us together through the love of Christ.

Click on the underlined words above to link you to more information about our mission.


3/10/2019 Weekly article

Where Did That Hour Go?

clock and flowersDaylight Savings Time strikes again! In the wee hours of Sunday, March 10, we seemed to lose an hour of time. Where did that hour go? How do we measure its value?

Scripture often references the period of an hour:
“And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single hour to your span of life?” (Matthew 6:27). Throughout history, man has endeavored to live longer. As Christians, we know this world is not our home and we look forward to eternity with our Father in heaven.

Another reference from Scripture:
And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And He said to Peter, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40). Instead of losing hours, however unintentionally, let’s strive, with the help of the Spirit, to always be using our time to the glory of our Savior!

Let’s begin each day in prayer, let’s serve Him by serving others, let’s tell of His grace and mercy, let’s share what God has given to us with others. Use this website to glean ideas and encouragement on how to do just that. Find prayers, service ideas, encouragement, and giving opportunities within these pages.

Let’s use our time in a manner pleasing to Him.

In His service, filled with His joy,

Debbie Larson

3/3/2019 Weekly article


Saint Patrick’s Day is in honor of Saint Patrick, the missionary who brought Christianity to the Emerald Isles, as Ireland is known. It is truly a day of celebrating Irish history, ancestry, traditions, and customs.

Caring for Missionaries printable

The main priority of a missionary is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior to all people of the world who have never heard of His saving grace and Good News. There are many LCMS missionaries stationed all over the world and they are far away from their families.

LWML supports missionaries throughout the world. This month celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by praying for our missionaries and send them a card of encouragement. Put a donation in your Mite Box to support LWML Mission Grants. Check out or call 1-888-843-5367 to find out about each missionary family and prayer requests.

And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Luke 10:2).

Angelina Jauregui

2/22/2019 Weekly article

Reaching Out using LWML Tools

How many of you have been part of the planning process for a group, zone, district, or maybe even national gathering? Planning takes time, energy, ideas, creativity, and more. Whenever I’ve been privileged to be a part of planning for an event, a meeting and/or discussion, they begin with prayer because we have a God we can go to, rely on, and know that each phase of our planning is founded on Him.

Is the LWML any different? Absolutely not! What you see on our fabulous website comes from many dedicated conversations and meetings (usually via conference calls) founded on our Lord’s principles and designed to be uplifting and encouraging to all women. We serve the Lord with gladness, because God is good … all the time, and all the time … God is good! 

A while ago, my LWML group at my home church began planning an event to celebrate God’s love through our Baptism. We wanted to sponsor an event that would bring all members of God’s family together to celebrate the day we became part of His family. We encouraged all … women, men, and children … to come together for a celebration, a sharing of baptismal memories, and fellowship.

praying hands In looking for ideas, where did we go to find them? The LWML website, of course! Under The Word tab in the menu bar, we clicked on Program Helps and after the page opened, we scrolled down to the resource titled DEVOTIONS & DEVOTIONAL COLLECTIONS (see picture to the right), clicked on the picture, and were led to a wealth of possibilities.

We found a number of listings about baptism and chose a couple for our gathering. Make a Splash! was our opening devotion and CELEBRATE BAPTISM! was our closing.

Do visit our website often. As you do, may you also find just what you’re looking for as you plan and encourage one another in celebrating God’s goodness.

Char Kroemer

2/15/2019 Weekly article

Abundant Blessings!

Remember the LWML 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque, NM? Remember our enthusiasm as we voted to pledge $2,075,000 to fund our 2017-2019 LWML Mission Goal?

2017 convention photos

Now, almost two years later we are approaching March 31, the last day to give offerings toward that mission goal. The time is now! Pray for our mite offerings, give toward mite offerings, and encourage others to participate in giving. Secure online giving is available on this website at A gift offering can be made by clicking on the Donate tab.

As we gather again, let’s rejoice that the mission grants have been funded, rejoice that God’s Word is reaching others with His saving Gospel message, and continue to pledge abundant blessings to God’s glory.

Come and celebrate with thanksgiving, “In Praise to the Lord” at the 38th LWML Biennial Convention in Mobile, Alabama, June 20 – 23, 2019.

And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And Jesus called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box” (Mark12: 42 – 43).

Jennifer Huecker

2/10/2019 Weekly article


chocolate candies

I’ve always liked M&M candies.  It doesn’t matter what color, size, plain, mint, peanut, almond, peanut butter, or crunchy.  I like them all!  How about you?

Thinking about M&Ms got me thinking about the LWML and all the M&Ms incorporated within our framework. For example, there’s mission ministry, messages, mites, music, meetings, mentors, and magnificent relationships to name a few.

As you grab another handful of M&Ms, think about our LWML.

  • Mission Ministry – Mission Grants with a goal of $2,075,000.
  • Meaningful Meetings and motivational Bible studies chaired by our mentors.
  • Messages sent through Media.
  • Making Music - we sing unto the Lord. Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! (Psalm 95:1) for the many M&Ms we have in LWML. 

So, let’s put on our purple and gold team uniforms, and with team spirit enjoy some M&Ms as we join in convention in Mobile, June 20-23, 2019, “In Praise to the LORD!” For information about convention details, click here.2019 convention logo

Marilyn Schroeder

1/31/2019 Weekly article

LWML — Let's Go!

Do you understand God’s command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded of you” (Matthew 28:19)? Jesus gives this command and provides us the tools to make disciples: Baptism and His teachings.

The LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission—is engaged in that command. That is why our mission is to enable women to use their God-given gifts in ministry to the world. We are equipped to witness about Jesus ourselves and to assist with missions and our missionaries so that they can baptize and make disciples in locations where we can’t go.

Every two years we adopt at the LWML national convention a mission goal. Two years ago at our 75th Anniversary Albuquerque convention we pledged $2,075,000 towards carrying out that command of Jesus. As of March 31, 2019 those two years are up! We still have grants that have not been funded. Grants that would carry out this command of Jesus.

Please pray for generous offerings over the next two months so that all our grants to our ministries around the world will be fully funded. Immerse yourself in Scripture. See how God’s work is accomplished through His Word. Ask God to assist you in carrying out your part of His great commission—your part of spreading His teachings. Then, do what you can to contribute the resources needed to aid our grant recipients to do the same.

A quote attributed to Saint Augustine says, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”

See which grants are depending on us for funding and the current mission offering balance at

Patti Ross


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