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10/5/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Wendy

September to Remember

Wendy Greiner influenced my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as database manager for the LWML Information Technology Committee.

Wendy is third from the left.

I knew Wendy from my district; she served on the LWML Information (IT) Technology Committee. She kept mentioning an open position and how she thought I would enjoy working with the IT committee. She promised to teach me everything I needed to know. After her gentle nudging and much prayer, I finally agreed to an interview, even though I thought I had no technology skills to offer.

Wendy’s encouraging words made all the difference and moved me to say “yes” and accept the position. She told me she saw qualities in me that would benefit to the committee and knew I’d enjoy it once I was trained. And she was right. I did enjoy it and learned new skills which then opened doors for serving at the district and national levels.

Blessings received:

  • Learned new skills;
  • Developed friendships with women across the nation;
  • Gave back to the organization that I love;
  • Opened additional avenues to serve in the LWML;
  • Enriched my faith life;
  • Made me a better leader; and
  • Provided mentorship opportunities.

Joy Anderson

9/29/2020 Weekly article

LWML Sunday

Fall is the favorite season for many of us. We have blue skies, warm days, cool nights, and summer’s humidity has gone.

In October, we celebrate LWML Sunday. Pastor Larry Krueger, a past pastoral counselor for the LWML Texas District, authored the materials for this year with the theme “Kingdom People Produce Kingdom Fruit.” The materials are based on Jesus’ words to the chief priests and Pharisees found in Matthew 21:43 The kingdom of God will be … given to a people producing its fruits. God has given us everything we need to produce fruit and plant the seeds of faith in others. What joy we have knowing that the kingdom of God is ours!

Share this joy in your church by using the resources available on the website, including the sermon, bulletin covers, a children’s message, and ideas for encouraging mite donations. Talk with your pastor about using these resources for starting an LWML group in your congregation. All are available for free download. Check out the LWML Sunday materials here and begin planning your celebration.


9/28/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Louise

September to Remember

Louise Reisler influenced my involvement in LWML and encouraged me to apply to be a Young Woman Representative from the LWML North Wisconsin District to the 2002 LWML convention in Oklahoma City.

My husband and I had just moved to a new city in northern Wisconsin with a newborn and a three-year-old. I was staying at home with them and felt very isolated. She thought it would be something I would enjoy, as a little break from childcare, plus she knew I really loved to serve in the church.

Louise and I had been friends since 1991 when we both served as counselors at Camp Luther in northern Wisconsin. She was my first introduction to LWML. I really didn’t think the district would choose me since I had no prior experience or knowledge of the LWML.

Serving as a Young Woman Rep changed my life! I have gone on to serve on five LWML committees and in many ways in my district. I’m the current chairman of the LWML Committee on Young Women as well as the Host Committee Chairman for the 2023 LWML convention in Milwaukee.

Anne Hartman

9/22/2020 Weekly article

Laboring to Honor the Lord

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, was established by the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It honors workers for their contributions to the well-being of our country.

As Lutheran women, we are familiar with the Scripture in Matthew 9:35-38, And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Think about the privilege we have to labor in God’s harvest field. When Jesus spoke these words, He knew the needs in the world were great. The harvest was ready. The laborers were few. At this very moment, the harvest is ready. Find resources on the Gospel Outreach webpage, and be Jesus’ laborer, sharing His love and proclaiming His message today!

In HIS service, surrounded by HIS grace,


9/21/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Annette

September to Remember

My mom, Annette Jarratt, influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as Structure Committee Chairman.

My mom’s own involvement in LWML started before I was born. Her love for her Savior shone through to all who knew her. She served with a glad heart in so many ways, including being a member of the host committee for the 1989 LWML convention in Rapid City, South Dakota, and as the LWML South Dakota District President.

After I left home, we spent many hours talking on the phone about what each of us was doing for our LWML service. As she grew older and became less involved, I became more involved. She loved hearing all about whatever LWML “thing” I was doing. She helped me plan programs that I was leading and asked me thoughtful questions that led me to run for offices and positions.

She has gone to be with Jesus now, but I can still see her smile and hear her encouragement as I continue to serve. She blessed me with a love for Jesus and a desire to serve Him through the LWML.

Mary Smith

9/18/2020 Prayer

A Prayer for our Nation

Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have promised to uphold us by your strong arm, to provide for our needs of body and soul, and to sustain us through this life until you see fit to bring us to Yourself. There is much unrest and uncertainty in our world at this time, and so we ask You to come to our aid, to provide Your protection, to grant healing, and to bring peace to Your people. Where we have sinned and gone our own way, turn us again to You in repentance, forgive us our sins, and draw us back to Your divine presence.

Hear us on behalf of all whose lives have been affected by the ravages of wind and water and fire. Where there has been a loss of property, give restoration, and where there has been a loss of life, give comfort by the power of Christ’s resurrection. Watch over and sustain the rescue and relief workers who experience danger of peril themselves, and may they be encouraged in their labors. 

As we draw closer to our national elections, we humbly ask You to raise up good and honest leaders who will protect the most vulnerable among us and work for the good of the citizens of this land. Help us to live as good citizens, and good stewards, of all You have blessed us with, seeking to love our neighbor just as we have been loved by Christ. Where there is disagreement and conflict among us, supply us with your peace and heal our divisions so that we may come to better understand one another.

Be with us, Lord, as we continue to wage war against this pandemic. Give strength to all those whose work calls them to care for the infected among us including doctors, nurses, and all health care workers. Heal the sick, and give to them the encouragement they need from Your Word to see them through to health and vigor. Give wisdom to all who are working to find a vaccine for this virus, and in Your time, open up opportunities to bring an end to the fear that plagues so many.

Bless our families, Lord, in these days. Keep us on the firm foundation of Christ, and guide us by Your Word and Spirit to do all that You desire. Continue to strengthen all Christians, and the congregations to which they belong, that our witness to the world in these days would be bold, compassionate, and comforting. Provide for those who cry out to You in distress, especially those who are unemployed or underemployed. Use us to provide for all who are need and least among us.

In circumstance, remind us that when we are uneasy about life, that You are there and will give us all things needful; when we are lonely or afraid, make Yourself known to us by Your grace; and when uncertainty is found at every turn, teach us again that You have ordered all of our days and that, in Christ, our future is always certain with You. You have promised us that nothing shall separate us from You, so help us to rest in this comforting truth, teach us to number our days, and grant us to live always in the hope and certainty of the resurrection of the body and life everlasting in Your kingdom.

To you, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all the glory, now and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


9/15/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to "My Favorite"

September to Remember

God has led and equipped me through incredible women and men for my current position as LWML President. Just like Lays potato chips, I can’t pick just one!

In 2002, my son married a spunky girl named Eileen, and I invited her to join me for her first LWML retreat. As I escorted her around the room, I would say, “I can’t wait for you to meet Marlene (or Lilly, or JoAnn, or Dottie, or Pastor, etc.) because they’re my favorite.” Eileen stopped me half way around the room and said, “They can’t all be your favorite!” But they were all my favorites. Each one encouraged me in different ways.

I watched these mentors act out their faith, participate in servant events, and encourage younger women. They respected and recognized those who now needed assistance. Because I have been mentored and loved, I hope to pass on the blessings and a feeling of belonging to those new to our LWML family.

Thank you for giving to the Lord through LWML!

Debbie Larson


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