Our Constant through Change
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). In the midst of continual change in our world, we can trust that our Lord never changes. He is our rock; our fortress; our constant.

This last weekend a recurring change took place. For most of us, daylight saving time reverted back to standard time. Another change taking place is fall moving into winter, giving us shorter days of less sunshine.
Thinking about the changes in time and season remind me of how my Lord and Savior does not change. It is a comfort that I can count on Him every waking hour. It is a comfort that no matter what is happening around me, He is with me, guiding me through life’s changes.
LWML has not changed its focus for over 78 years. Our programs may change, and new resources may be developed, but Jesus Christ has always been at the center of what we do and who we are.
Click here for “Changeless!” — a Bible study from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly.