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9/14/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Marguerite

September to Remember

“No” is a difficult word to say to my mentor. If you know her, you will agree when I tell you her name: Marguerite Christman. As long as I've served in LWML, Marguerite has been there.

Marguerite mentors by example. Her service in, and enthusiasm for, LWML is contagious. From her church’s LWML group to national conventions, her love of the Lord shows in her love of studying His Word and her tireless support for missions.

She mentors by modeling service. Marguerite has encouraged and urged me, strongly at times, to take on responsibilities I would not have undertaken, always with the assurance that God would provide the ability and the blessing. She is there to help or to be a sounding board for ideas.

She mentors with love and concern. We tease her that she knows, or is related to, everyone in the LCMS! But her love is personal, and you are fortunate if you are like me and receive her cards and notes of encouragement, late night phone calls, and lunches out.

I celebrate not being able to say "no" to Marguerite Christman!

Patti Ross

9/13/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Marlene

September to Remember

Marlene Brandenburg influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as the LWML North Dakota District President and later as LWML President.

I was Marlene’s district recording secretary when she was the LWML North Dakota District President. This was a blessing as well as an adventure! She loved everyone unconditionally, giving “real” hugs that made you realize how loved you were, and was quick to remind you about the love of Jesus. She influenced me to be in prayer and to trust God with every aspect of my life; she was an encourager and a teacher. Marlene set an example of how to make a difference in the world.

Marlene traveled extensively to mission fields in Latvia, Russia, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Mexico. She loved to share how God was working in the mission fields and encouraged everyone to support our missionaries through prayer and mites.

In 2017, Marlene went to be with our Lord. I am told that in the hours before her death, she spoke the Apostles Creed, knowing she would soon meet her Lord. In life and in death she lived her faith. I thank God for her friendship!

Kay Kreklau

9/12/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Ruth

September to Remember

Ruth Utech influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her excitement about LWML nudged me to learn more about the organization and attend a national convention.

In the summer of 1981 when we lived in Ohio, our family was traveling in Wisconsin. One of our stops was at the home of my husband’s Aunt Ruth. She had just returned from serving on the host committee for the LWML convention held in Milwaukee. To say she was excited would be putting it mildly! Her enthusiasm over the speakers, the mission grants, and the fellowship was contagious. So much so, that when I saw the 1983 convention was to be held in Detroit, just a few hours’ drive from where I lived, I decided to go and see what this organization was all about. So began my experiences with the LWML.

May each of us share the things that we have seen and heard in LWML and encourage women to come and see what it’s all about!

Janice Wendorf

9/11/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to a Past District President

September to Remember

A past LWML Nebraska South District president (along with other mentors) influenced my involvement in LWML. Observing her lead a convention was the inspiration God used to nudge me into leadership positions in my congregation and as a zone president. The support also encouraged me to allow my name to be submitted for national LWML president.

At that convention, I saw women expressing laughter, joy, hugs, fellowship, purpose, and celebrating what God had done through mites, and continued to do as they selected new grants through faith. Every woman was able to use her God-given gifts. It was an “aha” moment: God surrounded me with women who loved the Lord, loved missions, and had hearts to serve and to help.

The blessings of that “aha” moment which led to my saying “yes” to serving include:

  • Hearing thanks from missionaries for our prayers and loving support;
  • Listening to Synod leaders say how the LWML is a tremendous blessing to the Church;
  • Recalling convention scenes of faithful women gathering to praise God and serve in love for missions; and
  • Rejoicing with Heart to Heart Sisters and Young Woman Representatives; their participation make us stronger and better.

Linda Reiser

9/10/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Helen … and many others!

September to Remember

Several people, including my mother and my mother-in-law, influenced and encouraged my early involvement in LWML. Their support led me in 1979 to say “yes” to LWML President Helen Gienapp to serve as coordinator for the 1981 LWML convention in Milwaukee. I was a hostess at that 1979 Omaha convention, where Helen had been the coordinator and also was elected to serve as the LWML President.

Helen was a wonderful teacher, expecting perfection and respect. She listened to new ideas, gave advice when asked, and set an example for others. We were close friends until the day she met Jesus. Other past LWML presidents, too, have mentored me.

Women from younger generations, like our Young Woman Representatives, have also been my mentors. They ask a lot of questions that sometimes are difficult to answer! It’s fun to learn alongside them as I determine the answers.

Blessings received:

  • Being involved daily in God’s Word;
  • Meeting a great variety of people, including the president of the LCMS and LWML women in the smallest churches;
  • Learning to direct and delegate responsibilities; and
  • Realizing that I am always someone’s president, no matter how many years ago it’s been.

Virginia Von Seggern

9/9/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Louise

September to Remember

Mrs. Louise Hartner influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her method led me to say “yes” to serving.

It all happened so many years ago. As a young woman in a new, young congregation, we had an enthusiastic, engaged group of women. We were involved in Bible study and in serving our growing congregation. Some of us did attend zone rallies, but otherwise were not much involved beyond our own group.

Mrs. Hartner (we never used her first name, since we viewed her as very committed, but also very old!) called one day and asked me to meet her at my church on a Sunday afternoon. How could I refuse? We sat near the small fountain in our church courtyard. She asked me to serve as the next zone president. Again, how could I refuse? This committed, respected woman had driven from the other end of our zone to talk to me in person. She spoke convincingly of her perception of my abilities.

Over the years I have been grateful to her. Her asking led to so many possibilities of serving the Lord through Lutheran Women in Mission.

Gloria Edwards

9/8/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Gerry

September to Remember

The late Gerry C. influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support led me to say “yes” to serving as a local group (society) president in the 1960s.

Gerry in center

Through our church relationship, a friendship developed. Gerry, even though she knew that crafting was not my thing, invited me to help make table decorations for a district LWML convention. Being a friend, I said “yes.” She invited me to an LWML meeting; I joined and served as president. Many other opportunities followed to serve God and His people through the LWML as a result of my saying “yes” to something I did not like to do. It was Gerry who presented me with a bouquet of yellow roses at the 1991 ILWML Convention in Cleveland where I was elected president.

Blessings received from saying “yes” to serving include:

  • Prayers and greetings sent to me during times of need and times of celebration;
  • LWML national convention attendance by all my immediate family members;
  • My daughter’s LWML service to God;
  • The opportunity to facilitate the writing of the LWML Mission Statement; and
  • The blessings of LWML friendships.

Ida Mall


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